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Privacy Policy 180807

Processing of personal data at SmiCut AB

Personal integrity is important for SmiCut AB. We strive for a high level of data protection. In this policy we explain how we collect and use personal data. We also describe your rights and how you can enforce them.

You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions about how we process your personal information.

What is a personal data and what is a processing of personal data?

Personal data is any information about a living natural person that can be directly or indirectly linked to that person. It is not just about names and social security numbers, but also about pictures and e-mail addresses, for example.

Processing of personal data is all that happens with the personal data in the IT systems, whether it is mobile devices or computers. These include, for example, collection, registration, structuring, storage, processing and transmission. In some cases, manual registers may also be included.

Responsible for personal data

SmiCut AB is responsible for personal data for the processing that takes place within SmiCut AB’s operations. (SE556564804401), Fläderstigen 12, Ludvika, Sweden)

What personal information do we collect about you and why?

The data collected can be derived from 2 categories, customers & suppliers and employees.

Customers & Suppliers

What personal information is collected?

When personal data is collected, an assessment is always made where we weigh what you can reasonably expect from us as personal data manager in this situation.

— Name of you in connection with sales
— Your work title
— Contact Information
— The company and the address where you work
— Order history on orders you have placed

What information is never collected?

SmiCut never collects information on religion, ethnic origin, opinions, appearance, and other similar information that violates personal privacy.

Why is this information collected?

The personal information is necessary to be able to more quickly manage new orders from the same customers. As well as being able to contact the right person at the company for different types of questions, regarding orders, agreements, financial issues etc.

The information is also important for direct marketing, when it comes to telephone calls, mailing of mail, directories etc.

When it comes to saving the order history, it is usually estimated that we know what has been ordered before. Often, customers contact SmiCut to know their order history in order to order the same goods again.


What personal information is collected?

When personal data is collected, an assessment is always made where we weigh what you can reasonably expect from us as personal data manager in this situation.

— Name, address, social security number
— Bank account
— Possible union membership
— Name and contact details of nearest relative.

What information is never collected?

SmiCut never collects information on religion, ethnic origin, opinions, appearance, and other similar information that violates personal privacy.

Why is this information collected?

The personal information is necessary to be able to pay wages and to handle redundancies, notify authorities in case of sick leave, insurance matters and the like.

The names and contact details of the nearest relative are collected for work environment reasons. For example, in order to be able to report a related incident in case of an accident.

We process your personal data in order to fulfill our obligations under our employment contract with you and to comply with the rules of law and collective agreements.

Personal Data Assistants

In some situations, it is necessary for us to hire other parties. For example, different IT providers for HR systems. They are then personal data assistants to us. We check personal data assistants to ensure that they guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data. When personal data assistants are hired, it only happens for the purposes that are compatible with the purposes we have for processing ourselves.

Actors who are independently responsible for personal data

We also share your personal information with certain other actors who are independently responsible for personal data, such as authorities such as the Swedish Tax Agency, when we are obliged to disclose such information with the support of law or government decisions. When your personal data is shared with an actor who is independently responsible for personal data, it applies to the organisation’s privacy policy and data handling.

How long do we store your personal data?

We will never store your personal data for longer than is necessary for each purpose. Due to legislation, for example, some information in the accounting needs to be saved for at least seven years.

What are your rights as registered?

As registered, you have a number of rights under applicable law. You have the right to receive an extract showing what personal data we have registered about you. You can request correction of erroneous information and in some cases deletion.

Any request for access, rectification or deletion must be made in writing to the address located under the contact details on the website.

Contact us with questions about how we process personal data.

If you have questions about how we process personal data, contact us.
Contact information can be found on our website.

We may make changes to our privacy policy. The latest version of the privacy policy is always here on the site.