PRESS RELEASE 2022-06-03
New Thread Mill Catalogue
We are happy to inform that we now have released a new printed catalogue of all solid carbide thread mills. All our new tools which we launched in September last year is in this catalogue.
What is new compared with the old printed catalogue?
- Some tools are changed from 4 flutes to 5 flutes. The performance is better, but the price is the same.
- Ø25 tools don´t exist anymore. We have made the same tool with Ø20. The machining time will be more or less the same, but the price is cheaper.
- Thread mills for small UNC and UNF threads are now standard.
- A few more dimensions for pipe threads.
- Tools with better performance of NS and NM thread mills.
a) Ø4 shank instead of Ø3 gives a more stable tool.
b) 4 and 5 flutes instead of 3 gives shorter machining time and longer tool life.
c) 3xD thread length as standard. A solution for long threads which are difficult to machine.
d) Bigger dimensions are now available.
e) Smallest dimension is now M0,5 instead of M1.
f) Full profile tools from M1 instead of M2SmiCut Thread Mills with one and two teeths provide even better performance than before.
- On page 4 and 5 you will get 14 different reasons why you should choose Thread Milling instead of Tapping.
- On several pages you will get answers for frequent asked questions. They are on the same pages where you have the tools that correspond to these questions.
Contact us if you would like a printed copy of the English catalog and we will send it to you free of charge.
Thread Mills 2022 (PDF 1,4MB)